11.24 新加坡劇場裡的小型劇場 8pm
Host_蔡兩俊( 赤店當代劇場創辦人)與談人_林乃文( 劇場評論人、台灣《每週看戲俱樂部》創辦人)
In the Chinese-speaking societies in Asia, fringe theatre – or commonly known as The Small Theatre – takes on different identities. From the movement responding to the martial law in Taiwan to responding to social issues in mainland China; from early beginnings establishing itself as a theatre form in Macau to the ever-increasing middle-class pop culture activity in Hong Kong; what makes, or made-up, the “small theatre(s)” in other cities where overseas-Chinese reside? Richard Chua will attempt to explore what makes “fringe theatre” (a concept derived from the Edinburgh Arts Festival), or “small theatre” (movement?) in Singapore. Is the concept of “fringe” suitable in describing the small-sized theatre scene in Singapore, or should Singapore drop it altogether and call small-sized theatre in Singapore simply as “Singapore Theatre”?
日期:2010年11月24日 (24 November 2010)
時間:晚間8點 (8pm)
地點:台北當代藝術中心 (Taipei Contemporary Art Centre)
地址:台北市中正區延平南路160之6號 (160-6, Yanping S. Road, 10042 Taipei, Taiwan 10042)