Image: Chang Tieh Chi
Food 03 presents
《声音与愤怒》| Sounds and Fury
A talk by Taiwanese cultural and music writer/activist Chang Tieh Chi |
上周新加坡见证了一场前所未有的公民社会活动。新加坡妇女团体AWARE的旧理事会员召集了近千人到博览中心新达城,向在3月初突然到该妇女团体常年会议,以民主方式成功篡位之新理事会女会员挑战,立志要以不信任动议,将她们赶出团体。这似乎是在新加坡政府许可范围内进行的公民社会活动,引起了社会的关注。不管是旧理事会会员要维护该妇女团体之世俗主义管理法、避免基督教基本主义分子的单一思想的入侵、或是对性别倾向持有不包容的态度进行批判等种种理由,2009年5月2日当天下午,新达城内聚集了3000人,两个阵营,进行了一场大对决。终于,该妇女团体的旧理事会女会员们,与其他到场支持并投下不信任动议选票的新/旧女会员、到场斥骂新理事的同性恋和其他弱势族群、和临时成为该妇女团体的男性会员,成功地以1414对761之选票成绩,夺回了AWARE的管理权。这似乎是一场胜利之战、一场维护新加坡世俗主义社会的漂亮战争。虽然新加坡人在此斗争后,依然热情地讨论着,但是对世界其他公民社会或民权运动较为先进的国家人民而言,这个被他们视为小胜利的活动,可能三天后就已经热情淡浅,不值得讨论了。所以多了解世界其他地区的公民社会/民权运动,是供新加坡人参照并反思的机会。来临周日-2009年5月10日、傍晚8点-台湾摇滚乐评、文化评论员兼学运参与者张铁志将于新加坡小印度区,位于Rowell Road的另类艺文中心Post Museum 的 Food 03素食餐厅,向新加坡人介绍台湾音乐与公民社会运动之互动关系,活动名称:《声音与愤怒》。虽然在新加坡的公民社会活动中有过音乐的加入,但是次数却不多。音乐是否能加强或丰富公民社会活动呢?可能一睹台湾音乐与民权运动之关系,新加坡有可能发现音乐与在地活动之间全新的关系,并善于利用。本人在阅读张铁志《声音与愤怒:摇滚乐能改变社会吗?》一书后,觉得他是一个充满热情,并能以简单文字深入浅出地带出音乐与理想、音乐与人内心的热情和灵魂的作家。这样的作家,在新加坡,非常少见。这次张铁志能在新加坡分享台湾公民/民权社会所经历过的种种,是新加坡公民社会与其他社会之公民活动持续对话的宝贵经验。
Last week Singapore saw a historical moment in civil society movement. On 2 May 2009, nearly 3000 people gathered in Suntec City for a common purpose: to prevent the women organisation AWARE (Association of Women for Action and Research) from falling into the “wrong hands”; the new guards led by then-president Josie Lau who – from the results 1,414 vs 761 votes supporting the vote of non-confidence – has clearly lost credibility among the old and new members of the women group, even though they were democratically elected into office in the first annual general meeting held in March 2009. The May 2nd event was significant on many levels; one, the grounds-up support from women and men from diverse backgrounds; two, issues on secularism, religion and sexuality in Singapore have mobilised Singaporeans to sit-up, listen and engage; lastly, the sheer force of people with a common purpose coming together to preserve inclusiveness, openness and secular nature of an immigrant society. As compared to other societies, for example Taiwan, the struggle seemed rather short-lived. But, nonetheless, the 6-week AWARE saga was unique rooted in the Singaporean cultural milieu. Cultural writer Chang Tieh Chi’s talk on Sunday (10 May 2009) entitled Sounds and Fury at Food 03, Post Museum (Rowell Road, in Little India district) seems to have arrived at a right time, especially when Singaporeans’ civil society collective memory is fresh from the AWARE saga. It is indeed a good time for two different civil societies to engage in constructive conversational exchanges; most interestingly, through the unique role of music in the civil society movement in Taiwan.
Chang Tieh Chi (Taiwan) | 张铁志(台湾)
Event Details:
Date: 10 May 2009, Sunday
Time: 8 pm
Venue: Food 03, Post Museum (Rowell Road, Little India)
The Location Map