� Visual by The Theatre Practice 28th September 2006- 8 pm Victoria Theatre By Richard Chua 29th September 2006 Cao Yu once said Fanyi was the stormiest character in the play. Indeed it is. Her eccentricity and capriciousness make her the femme fatale of this Chinese classic. What makes Fanyi a pivotal character in the …
Visual by Wild Rice 4th August 2006 8 pm Drama Centre Theatre by Zhuang Yisa Never trust a playwright who writes beautifully. Sometimes, that is all there is.
The Singapore Arts Festival The Esplanade, Theatre Studio, 16 June 2006 By Ang Song Ming 10 July 2006 The Great War is an epic about the First World War, in which modern weapons such as tanks, machine guns, flame-throwers, and poisonous gas were used for the first time. Hotel Modern has invented a theatre form …
Singapore Arts Festival 2006 Drama Centre Theatre By Richard Chua 17 June 2006 I was at the theatre of Drama Centre last Saturday, and I caught a theatre production, which compelled me to write.