Framing the Debates

Framing the Debates is Theatrex Asia’s open review platform. Contents will be not censored, but might open to intellectual challenges by the editor and other readers of the page. All posts are subject to review, according to the following house rules: 

a. Every post must be framed within a specific context. Posts could be written in English or Chinese Language only. 

b. Every post must have a clear introduction, body and conclusion (not more than 500 words). 

c. Every post must be accompanied by one (1) visual, fully credited and acknowledged at the beginning of the post (Format: Picture by xxx).

d. Posts must not be offensive and insensitive in anyway. The editor will engage the writer separately before publishing his/her posting, should objectionable content is viewed. 

We also encourage readers to question the writers about their opinions.

Every posting and comment made is the original writer’s responsibility. All views expressed in the Framing the Debates Facebook page do not necessarily reflect Theatrex Asia’s position. 


Framing the Debates是网路杂志Theatrex Asia新网路短文评论台。内容将不会被审,但是会被检讨,并将会被网路杂志编辑以及阅读者加以质问、协商。在刊登文字前之检讨规则如下:





