INXO Arts and Culture X Theatrex Asia
“I know what I am doing artistically, but I don’t know how to explain it.” – this is an all too familiar line from artists. You might have a good artistic practice, but you have got trouble writing and saying it out.
A workshop that assists artists in thinking, writing and articulating their own artistic practice will also bridge the communication gap between them and prospective funders, presenters and most importantly their audience members. It will assist artists to think artistically and strategically on how their own artistic practice could travel to more places in the world. The workshop will also offer practical examples on how artists write and how funders and curators view and select artists for their own festivals and residencies. As part of Theatrex Asia’s community support initiative for artists and arts managers in Malaysia, this reasonably priced workshop is specifically crafted for community needs.
“我非常清楚自己的艺术走向与策略,但是我不知道如何讲给别人听。” —— 在艺术界,这是一句令人熟悉的话。你有一个非常好的艺术创作,但是难以言传。
这是一个帮助艺术工作者进行自我思考、书写以及阐述自己艺术实践的工作坊,也是一个拉近艺术工作者们与赞助商、基金会和观众之共同思考的平台。这个工作坊试图帮助艺术工作者们能更有效地推荐他们自己的作品到世界各地。通过这个工作坊,艺术工作者们将能更了解驻村计划、艺术节以及策展人的思考模式。这是Theatrex Asia回馈马来西亚艺术社群的活动。费用与商业团体的大所不同。
About the workshop facilitator: Richard Chua
Richard Chua has worked as a simultaneous translator for arts funders and professional talks. Having read many artist biographies, artist statements and texts detailing the artistic practice for practitioners in different forms of art, he has been charting the trend of festival organizers and funders in selecting artists for their residencies and festivals. He has also been researching into the psyche of festival organizers and curators. As the editor of Theatrex Asia – focusing on fringe and arts festivals in the Chinese-speaking societies in Asia – Richard has travelled and conversed with organizers on the types of artworks to be invited to their shows, as well as agency work which links artists from different cities for new artistic collaborations.
曾在广播界工作,新闻记者,杂志编辑以及大学教授传媒与创意艺术的蔡两俊,希望能帮助更多的年轻艺术工作者们拥有实践艺术工作的工具与知识。目前,他是网路杂志Theatrex Asia编辑,是马来西亚表演艺术界里的剧评人,也是双语兼备的翻译以及亚洲艺术节里的媒介人。
Course Details:
Date: 6 May 2017
Time: 2pm to 4.30pm
Venue, Purple Cane Tea Centre, Shaw Parade
Price: RM270 per person (Minimum 5 participants)
学费:每学员RM270 元(至少有5个学员方能开班)
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