As observers in the arts ecology in Malaysia, local reviewers and critics serve as the “third eye” to provide feedback and opinions about the development of the state of performing arts. They are also representative of audience’s perspective of performing arts. Hence there is a need to gather, exchange ideas and promote mutual learning. However, several key areas of concern need to be addressed: (1) approaches towards reviewing and critiquing; (2) communicating reviews and critiques to readers; (3) ethical practices towards reviewing and critiquing, to name a few.
Coming 7 July 2017, Theatrex Asia will initiate an informal gathering of writers in the performing arts for a meet-up. The aim of the event is to allow for a free-flow of discussion among those whose words reflect upon the ecology, development, challenges, to name a few, in Malaysia performing arts. Notes will be taken for further discussion and development.
We also look forward to hearing from friends and colleagues who are keen to see another form of change in Malaysia performing arts. Do let us know by leaving a comment to this post.